Freitag, 26.04.2024 10:03 Uhr

Knight Festival

Verantwortlicher Autor: Nadejda Komendantova Laxenburg, 26.09.2021, 21:31 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Kunst, Kultur und Musik +++ Bericht 6873x gelesen

Laxenburg [ENA] The big knight festival took place at the premises of the beautiful baroque and renaissance park of the castle of Laxenburg. Enthusiasts from several countries came together to celebrate tradition of the Middle Ages and to enjoy colorful atmosphere of the Middle Ages. Here everybody can become not only a spectator but also a participant while wearing the Middle Age times dress or tasting the special food.

As a special highlight, the festival visitors can enjoy an impressive knight tournament on horseback. Brave knights who fight high on horseback also participate in jostle and show various middle ages fighting techniques. Besides of this the program included the middle age market, performance, music, and dances. And there were also special activities for children who could even participate in sward exercises, try various exercises on the wooden horse and enjoy special program carefully prepares for children. Also, everybody could acquire various jewelries, pieces of clothes and other objects of Middle Age as everyday life to get an impression about life of this time.

The festival takes place every year in Laxenburg. This year the visitors still have a chance to enjoy Middle Age atmosphere and knights tournament during the 2nd and the 3rd of October. The knights will come from different parts of Europe representing their country, to prove their courage and be blessed with the glory of the triumph. The visitors will also have an opportunity to enjoy immense park of Laxenburg with a pleasant atmosphere, a lush flora and an exquisite small lake with swans.

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