Donnerstag, 18.04.2024 07:12 Uhr

Maimonides Review of Philososphy and Religion

Verantwortlicher Autor: Carlo Marino Rome, 27.06.2022, 16:38 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Kunst, Kultur und Musik +++ Bericht 5833x gelesen

Rome [ENA] The inaugural volume of the Maimonides Review of Philososphy and Religion, an annual collection of double-blind peer-reviewed articles mainly stemming from research conducted under the aegis of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies (MCAS) at Universität Hamburg has been published by Brill, a publishing house, founded in 1683 with a rich history and a strong international focus.

The Maimonides Review replaces the Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies (4 volumes; 2016–2019), which was published under the general editorship of Giuseppe Veltri with Bill Rebiger (2016–2018) and Yoav Meyrav (2019) acting as volume editors. The Maimonides Review seeks to provide a broad international arena for an intellectual exchange of ideas between the disciplines of philosophy, theology, religion, cultural history, and literature and to showcase their multifarious junctures within the framework of Jewish studies. The General editor is Giuseppe Veltri (Universität Hamburg) and the Editorial Board is composed by: Jonathan Garb (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Racheli Haliva (Universität Hamburg),

Yehuda Halper (Bar-Ilan University),Warren Zev Harvey (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, emeritus), Christine Hayes (Yale University), Yitzhak Y. Melamed (Johns Hopkins University), Stephan Schmid (Universität Hamburg), Josef Stern (University of Chicago, emeritus), Sarah Stroumsa (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, emerita) and Irene E. Zwiep (Universiteit van Amsterdam). Contributions to the Maimonides Review place special thematic emphasis on scepticism within Jewish thought and its links to other religious traditions and secular worldviews. The Maimonides Review is interested in the tension at the heart of matters of reason and faith, rationalism and mysticism, theory and practice,narrativity and normativity, doubt and dogma;

a highly charged tension that has given rise to a wide array of productive ideas throughout intellectual history. It is through these focal points that the Maimonides Review encourages the deepening of scholarly understanding of Jewish religious thought in all its diverse historical manifestations while underlining the importance of interdisciplinary research and an understanding of the wider contexts. The eight contributions in the present volume cover a wide array of themes, thinkers, and traditions, spanning from the Middle Ages through the early modern period up to the present day.

Each author applies critical research methods in order to shed light on understudied phenomena in their respective field, thus breaking fresh ground in scholarship and promoting a lively academic discourse.

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